As a mod author, the most useful question you can ask yourself is "Why should someone play my mod?" It's a hard question to answer truthfully, but if you can answer it well, you're on the right track. Think about what other mods are out there, and what they offer. Does your mod offer something new to the players? Is what you offer enough to entice players who are busy playing other mods? Even if..
This article is designed to help you make a Source Engine modification, or mod. First, it has some advice on starting a mod, and assembling a team. Following that is a collection of helpful tips on figuring out the game design for your mod. Finally, it has a step-by-step guide on how to tie up the loose ends and finish your mod, which is actually the hardest part of mod making. 이 글은 여러분이 소스엔진을 이..
We see a lot of mods that start out strong, produce a lot of great looking content, and never quite make the last step of getting it into the player's hands. This section will help you get into a release mode where you're driving towards producing a releasable version of your mod.We chose five weeks as a starting estimate of the time it'll take to get from normal development mode to a shippable ..
When thinking about your game design, don't fall into the trap of believing that "Different is Better." There's no reason to rewrite the shotgun code and have a new shotgun model if it doesn't impact your game in any interesting way. Keep in mind the first question, "Why should someone play my mod?" The answer, "My mod has a new combat system, and a new movement system," isn't necessarily a good..